Changing Jobs & Locations? Here’s What You Need to Know

Changing Jobs & Locations? Here’s What You Need to Know

  • Dicker Morin Group
  • 12/6/22

Relocating is an adventure with a lot of moving parts. However, moving for a new job is a whole different matter, as you may be on a tight deadline so that you’re ready to show up to work at your new job on your first day. As we know, timing can be especially difficult to predict in real estate. Thankfully, with a little preparation and forethought, moving for a new job can be a very smooth process. If you are relocating as a result of a new position, here is what you need to know to make your move easy and stress-free in the Austin real estate market.

Do the research

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It is important to do some thinking before beginning the process of moving, and research is an important part of this step. You should think about what you and your family enjoy doing and find out how compatible the community is with your lifestyle and interests. If you enjoy hiking, research the trails in the area. If you love going out to eat, take a peek at the local restaurants and reviews.

Also, make a cost of living comparison between where you live now and where you are moving. Even a short distance can have a significant effect on the cost of living. In the same vein, if you are moving states, look up the state tax laws, so you know what you can expect to be paying. Being prepared for these changes can make moving a lot smoother.

Relocation costs

It’s important to plan out the finances for your move, including moving trucks, moving companies, and storage facilities for your belongings. Thankfully, some employers will offer relocation services for new employees. This may include reimbursement for moving expenses, a signing bonus, or some kind of relocation package to make the process easier. Also, keep in mind that if the job falls through, the company may want the reimbursement money back, so do not spend all the extra cash at once. 

Create a detailed budget

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Creating a budget for the move, whether or not the company offers a relocation package, is an essential step in making your investment in Austin real estate go smoothly. When moving, numerous costs will pop up. For one thing, there may be repairs that need to be done on your current house to sell it, and these should be factored into the budget. Other expenses include moving supplies, truck rentals, and travel expenses, which can cover gas, food, and hotels, depending on how far you are going. You should also include anything you will need to buy once you arrive, such as cleaning supplies, groceries, lightbulbs, or other necessities.

Keeping track of these expenses helps you to know what you can spend now and what you can spend after arriving while also allowing you to be prepared. Another reason for creating a detailed budget is that your company’s reimbursement package may ask for an anticipated amount of money the move will cost. With a budget planned out, you will already have a realistic number.

Buy a home before moving

Having a clear destination when moving makes the process easier. It is always a good idea to have bought your new house before you start moving so that you won’t have to pay for temporary housing in the meantime. You can even plan where the furniture will go and direct the movers to place it in the correct spot so you do not have to rearrange it later. This will also allow you to move into your house before starting work, which is one less stressor. If you can get settled into your new home before you begin working, it will be easier for you.

Making lists

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One of the best ways to stay organized and up-to-date with the timeline is to make lists of the things that need to be done. Also, you should make lists of who to tell about your change in address (like family members, friends, and the bank), services to cancel (such as wifi, cable, or gym memberships), and items you will need within the first week of arrival (including business clothes, toiletries, and bedding). These items should be packed in an easy-to-access location, so you can get to them without unpacking everything. This small amount of planning can calm the chaos and lower stress levels, leading to a smoother process.

Take time to adjust

Moving is a lot of work, and every place is different. Adjusting to a new home and community may be challenging, and you may feel emotional at times. Thankfully, something you can do to combat the stress is to look forward to new events or experiences in your new community. These can be as simple as going to a local coffee shop you saw while researching. As long as it is something positive, it can help you when you are feeling discouraged or overwhelmed.

Build a network

Having a network of people in your life can make a big difference in your happiness. Moving somewhere new can be lonely, so to combat loneliness, make an effort to be social. Get to know your coworkers and attend any company social gatherings. If you get along with the people around you, your job will be a lot more pleasant. You can also join a community group or class to meet people outside of work. Pretty soon, your new location will start to feel like home.

Make your relocation smooth and stress-free

Jenny Dicker and Lana Morin Pierce of the Dicker Morin Group specialize in Austin real estate. With years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the Austin area, this expert team is ready to help you find the perfect new property to call your very own. Together, this team uses their passion for real estate to help clients find Austin luxury homes that check all the boxes. You could be next!

*Header photo courtesy of Pexels

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